[Afghanistan] - 48 dam jobs to be developed next fiscal year: ministry

A total of 48 small and large dam projects will be designed in the next fiscal year, the Ministry of Water and Energy said.According the
ministry officials, the practical work of 13 dam projects is currently underway.&The Ministry of Water and Energy of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan has considered 61 projects for the fiscal year 1402, of which 13 projects are in progress and 48 more projects will be
designed,& said Gholam Jilani Haqparast, a spokesman of the Ministry of Water and Energy.Members of the private sector emphasize that in
order to solve the economic crisis in the country, the government should expand its efforts to develop investment in energy production and
water management.According to them, development of investment in large projects will also help create jobs.&Electricity is important for
industries, living, manufacturing, trade and agriculture
Without energy, the country will not prosper,& said Khan Jan Alokozay, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment.Experts in the
economic field also believe that attracting private investment in the energy and water sectors will be effective in improving the country&s
economy.&Energy is one of the essentials that can make us progress in every sector, such as factories, agriculture, manufacturing and trade
Currently, majority of Afghanistan&s electricity is imported
The revenue that the government gets from the people goes abroad,& said Kamaluddin Kakar, an economic expert.Afghanistan currently purchases
75% of its electricity from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Iran. The post 48 dam projects to be designed next fiscal year:
ministry first appeared on Ariana News.