[India] - Indian-Irish teen amongst 3 killed in Nottingham stabbings

LONDON: One of the victims of the horrific Nottingham string of stabbings has been named as Indian-Irish Nottingham University student Grace
level.The 19-year-old was stabbed to death during a string of attacks in Nottingham on Tuesday by the same man who knifed her friend and
another man to death and left one man in hospital critically injured.She was in her first year studying medicine at university, following in
the footsteps of her father, Dr Sanjoy Kumar, who was awarded an MBE for saving the lives of three Afro-Caribbean teenagers knifed in a gang
attack in 2009.Kumar (19) was walking back to her university accommodation with her friend, fellow student Barnaby Webber (19) at 4 am BST
on Tuesday morning from a post-exam party when a man randomly stabbed and killed both of them
Kumar fled from her attacker into a front garden and tried to enter a house before she collapsed and died.The suspect then went on to stab a
school caretaker, Ian Coates (65), to death and stole his van and rammed itinto three pedestrians, leaving one critically injured
The suspect, a 31-year-old migrant from West Africa, was tasered and arrested soon afterwards on suspicion of murder
Counter-terrorism policing is working alongside Nottinghamshire police on the case.Kumar leaves a mother, Sinead, and brother, James
She leaves behind devastated extended family and friends
work placements in a GP surgery and her volunteering for the nationwide vaccination programme during the Covid-19 pandemic
Kumar was an extremely talented hockey player
stabbed to death by Brazilian man in London- Here is what really happened?WatchVideo: Another woman of Indian origin stabbed to death in the
UK, this time in Nottingham