[Brazil] - Argentina puts itself in position for the upcoming presidential elections

opposition coalition, Juntos por el Cambio, will hold a heated primary election, while the libertarian party, led by Javier Milei, seeks to
improve its performance after disappointing provincial election results.Initially, there seemed to be an internal dispute within the ruling
presidential palace, La Cas Rosada
(Photo Internet reproduction)However, after extensive discussions, the coalition chose Sergio Massa as their candidate, with support from
the president, vice president, and aligned provincial governors.Juan Grabois, a prominent left-wing figure, announced that he would not
support Massa and instead entered the primary as the candidate leading the Justa y Soberana group.The primary election candidates are as
Larreta, the Head of Government of Buenos Aires, and Patricia Bullrich, former Minister of Security.Gerardo Morales and Luis Petri are their
anticipated to be closely contested, with the potential for voters to gravitate towards the libertarian candidate, Javier Milei.Milei aims
Macri, and the emergence of new players like the libertarians.