Photo credit: Josiah BondyUntil you've seen the digital rear view mirror on the 2018 Nissan Armada, you might not believe it's that
sense and paints a clear picture of what future cars might offer in terms of additional safety perks.One thing to mention right away is that
you can use a normal rear view mirror, which hasn't changed much since the first passenger cars rolled off the assembly line many decades
The wide angle camera is located on the lift-gate, and the basic idea is that you can still see behind the car even if you have piled up a
bunch of luggage in the back, a few kids, and the family pet.Photo credit: Josiah BondyWhat makes it unique, though, is that you can see so
With the Armada parked dead center, you can see people standing off about three feet in the grass, well beyond the edge of the driveway
As a car passes, you can see it in full view and watch as it drives pass.The advantage is more than just seeing objects, people, and cars
when your view is blocked
obstructions.Photo credit: Josiah BondyThe mirror itself is fairly limited in terms of features and customizations
You can use digital controls to sync to your garage door opener, setting defaults for up to three stalls
And, you can press the menu button to configure the brightness setting.A few years ago, a major automaker showed me a demo of a rear view
mirror that connected two drivers together over Skype
hint of that with the Armada
have a wider view, and scan 360-degrees around a car at all times, never glancing away and never pausing to look down at a phone
the gallery below:Image 1 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyImage 2 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyImage 3 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyImage
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Josiah BondyImage 8 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyImage 9 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyImage 10 of 10Photo credit: Josiah BondyOn The
Road is TheIndianSubcontinent's regular look at the futuristic tech in today's hottest cars
John Brandon, a journalist who's been writing about cars for 12 years, puts a new car and its cutting-edge tech through the paces every week
One goal: To find out which new technologies will lead us to fully driverless cars.USznq4UzzKRcigdUN9E7FC.jpg#