The Microsoft Store's LibreOffice app requests cash and webcam access

LibreOffice is an open source project and has always been free to download, even for commercial use, but the app in the Microsoft Store
selecting 'Free trial' rather than 'Buy' will download the full suite with no strings attached.However, Italo Vignoli of The Document
Foundation informed Bleeping Computer that the non-profit organization had no connection to the third party '.net' that published the
software.Access all areasLibreOffice's source code is freely available for anyone to edit, so it's unclear whether the program itself was
manipulated before being shared on the store
However, we noticed that the app permissions request all system resources (including your camera, microphone and location) plus access to
your internet connection, so it's not a risk worth taking.If you want to try LibreOffice, grab it from the official site as a direct
download or a torrent
You can also make a donation to support the project (which is completely optional) or get involved with the project's community of