[Iran] - Raisi's Iran, Sheikh Tamim's Qatar vow to broaden ties

boost the level of relations with Doha
Congratulating the Emir and the people of his country on Eid al-Adha, Raisi said that Iran and Qatar have good capacities to expand
cooperation due to their close views.The two senior officials also vowed to level up regional and international cooperation with each
other.Expressing gratitude to his Qatari counterpart for efforts in advancing joint programs and agreements with Iran, Raisi noted that Iran
has always emphasized improving the level of relations and expanding cooperation with Qatar, and the development of bilateral interactions
is ready to hold a joint commission for economic cooperation in the near future with regard to the good discussions and consultations that
Foreign Minister of Iran, paid a visit to Qatar to join in a number of political meetings.Amir Abdollahian visited Doha after receiving a
Abdollahian exchanged views with the Emir of Qatar.The authorities from Iran and Qatar discussed topics of common interest on bilateral,
areas and speed up the implementation of the past agreements in economic and commercial fields.Expressing his satisfaction with the
excellent political relations between the two countries, the chief diplomat said it is necessary to increase and improve economic,
commercial and cultural relations between the two countries along with the political ones.He also called for promotion of dialogue and
cooperation between the eight countries bordering the Persian Gulf (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia) in
order to create a collective mechanism with the aim of securing the common interests and security of the countries.Amir Abdollahian
appreciated Qatar's efforts and initiatives in helping to resolve regional issues and emphasized Iran's continued support for Qatar's
constructive actions in this direction.