What is "Operation Interflex"

Western "special" mission has been training Ukrainian civilians from all walks of life into soldiers and dispatching them back to
Ukraine.Since the start of this "special program" dubbed "Operation Interflex," there have been 17,000 Ukrainian civilian volunteers who
extended and is on track to train the pledged 30,000 recruits by 2024."The ministry alleges that "intelligence has shown that the training
has already made a significant difference to the combat effectiveness of Ukraine.""The UK Armed Forces maintains close communication with
end the Ukraine crisis this year
The U.S.-led military alliance is prolonging the war as long as possible.The aim is not to defeat Russia entirely but an attempt to drain
the Russian military as well as its energy and economic resources
If NATO had the capability to defeat Russia militarily, it would have done so
life and gives them the skillsets needed to become survivable and lethal."Other military experts would argue it would require much longer
than five weeks to transform "a civilian from many different walks of life" into a soldier entering a warzone, no matter how "grueling" the
training program, further claims "the determination and resilience of the Ukrainian recruits that arrive on British soil, from all walks of
life, to train to fight alongside our British and international forces, is humbling to witness."These civilians are potentially being sent
to their deathbed
Does it matter for NATO? Apparently not
presence closer to Russian borders.This buildup of advanced military weaponry by NATO, especially during the five to seven years before the
today, if NATO provides Russia with security guarantees
In that case the deadly armed clashes between ethnic Russians (living in the eastern Donbass region on the border with Russia) and the
turning civilians with five weeks of training into soldiers and has shipped the largest cache of weapons to a conflict in modern history,
Interflex", alongside Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and the Netherlands.None of these
countries face a national security risk from Russia
when combined with their determination has forged bonds that will last the length of time."The military training of Ukrainian civilians
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (that has since been removed), more than 100,000 Ukrainian military personnel have died to
platforms, von der Leyen's statements have been republished or reposted with the section on the Ukrainian military fatality figure
deleted.This would explain why the West has turned to Ukrainian civilians to prolong the war despite that fact that there is no national
Russians during the current conflict since February 2021, and during the first conflict that erupted in 2014, between ethnic Russians in
civilians and field reports on civilian deaths among ethnic Russians since 2014, at times Western reporters even shed real tears, not
crocodile tears, during their coverage.That all changed in February 2021, and the reports from eastern Ukraine came to an end by the Western
mainstream media
brutal terrorist attacks claimed by Daesh were carried out on European soil, leading to the unfortunate killing of hundreds of European
acts by Daesh and other terrorist groups
The death toll pales in comparison to the civilian death toll in Ukraine, which is less than nine thousand, according to the UN Human Rights
foreign volunteers who fought terrorism in Iraq and Syria and helped bring security to the region and Europe were sent to prison on their
occupying Syria and Iraq