IDG Contributor Network: Why Verizon Wireless Go90 failed and what's coming next

Here some breaking news for you
Verizon says it will shut down their Go90 offering at the end of July
That right
Their attempt to innovate and change the direction of the company and the industry has failed
Let take a closer look at why this new service didn&t make it and what Verizon Wireless has coming next for growth going forward.One main
reason for the failure of Go90 is users don&t seem to know anything about it
Think about all the marketing, advertising and PR around this new service
What, you can&t That the point
The average user never heard about Go90 and that the kiss of death for any new product or service.There must be action on the part of the
company to inform the marketplace and try to generate a groundswell of growth
With Go90 there was none of that.