Can China use Wagner-like firms for false flag ops in Taiwan StraitNEW DELHI: The aborted armed rebellion by Yevgeny Prigozhin-led Wagner mercenaries against Russian armed forces sent out shockwaves across the world. While Prigozhin's motives and intends

NEW DELHI: The aborted armed rebellion by Yevgeny Prigozhin-led Wagner mercenaries against Russian armed forces sent shockwaves across the
While Prigozhin's motives and aims behind rebellion are still being debated, it has drawn fresh attention to the use of private security
companies by Russia, China, and many other countries.Like Russia, China is increasingly using private security firms to guard its nationals
and properties across the globe
These companies engage in various activities such as combating piracy on cargo ships in the Gulf of Aden, providing security for railway
infrastructure in Kenya, safeguarding fuel depots in Sri Lanka and .These firms, often referred to as "little green men," typically provide
a variety of security services, including armed protection, risk assessment, and training.China's growing global economy has heightened
Beijing's security concerns
Under President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road initiative, which focuses on infrastructure development, Chinese enterprises have undertaken
significant projects across numerous developing countries
These ventures, including ports, railways, and dams, have employed hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals in potentially risky foreign
locations.There is some concern that China could start to use private military companies more in the future
In 2017, China passed a law that allows for the use of private military companies in "international peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance
missions." This law could open the door for China to use private military companies in more assertive ways, such as to protect its interests
in disputed territories or to support its allies in conflicts.However, defense analysts point out significant differences between groups
like Wagner and Chinese private security firms
Unlike the paramilitary forces of Wagner, which are equipped for warfare, Chinese security companies primarily handle non-lethal guard
The Chinese Communist Party's focus on centralized power leaves little room for private security firms to initiate military actions similar
to Wagner's rebellion in Russia
The People's Liberation Army, technically the party's army, demands absolute loyalty from all national security forces.Nonetheless, some
analysts speculate that China's broad definition of national security and its inclination to infuse political priorities into commercial
between the United States and China heats up, China is likely to support aggressive utilization of private security firms to advance its
utilize the Wagner group as units for false flag and other black operations throughout the war in Ukraine, Chinese pride security companies
could function similarly in the case of the Taiwan Strait crisis, giving the Chinese government motivation to foster their growth," said the
report in the Diplomat.(With inputs from agencies)