TCCIMA holds seminar on Iran-Saudi Arabia economic co-op

TEHRAN- Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA) held a seminar titled "Economic cooperation between Iran and
Saudi Arabia; Private sector perspective" on Sunday.With the strong presence of the TCCIMA members and representatives of the private
sector, the seminar was held at the place of TCCIMA, where the speakers pointed to the capacities, challenges and future of Iran-Saudi
Arabia relations and emphasized that the private sector can help advance political relations between the two countries and further
cooperation in international forums by developing economic relations.At the beginning of this seminar, Ferial Mostofi, the head of the
Investment Services Center of TCCIMA, referred to the agreement between the political authorities of Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore
domestic and foreign investment; and developing trade, and economic cooperation with Saudi Arabia can be viewed from these three
introducing new instruments to promote exports to open new markets for the products and services of Saudi companies, she added.In Iran,
especially in the private sector, there are many capabilities and experiences in the field of downstream oil and gas industries, mining and
mineral industries, health, construction, technical and engineering services, chemical industries, construction and light industries, food
and agriculture industries, etc
In this regard, the Chamber of Commerce can be a window of effective communication between the private sectors of the two countries and thus
help to expand the relations between the two countries, Mostofi stated.Addressing the same seminar, Bahman Eshqi, the secretary-general of
TCCIMA, referred to the high capacities of Iran and Saudi Arabia as two large and influential countries in West Asia, and said that the
private sectors should play a role instead of governments in the development of economic relations between the two countries.During a
mid-May, the two sides discussed the ways to expand economic cooperation and remove the barriers in the way of trade between the two
countries.In the meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the board of executive directors of the Islamic
Development Bank (IsDB) in Jeddah, the Saudi Arabian minister expressed satisfaction with the re-establishment of relations between Iran and
relations between the two countries and stated that the development of relations is important not only for Iran and Saudi Arabia but also
for all countries in the region.Stating that it is the duty of governments to facilitate economic ties, Khandouzi said these bilateral
relations are very important not only from an economic point of view but also in the political and security fields.Explaining Iran's program
basic agreement in the field of investment, customs, and trade
mentioned fields will be followed up.Also, in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro published in late May, the Iranian foreign
advance their economic and commercial ties.Hossein Amir Abdollahian also mentioned that the Saudi government has prioritized investment in
prioritizes the completion of economic initiatives.MA