Mexican currency closes at 16.89 pesos per dollar, its best level since 2015

dollar, strengthening to its best level since December 2015, according to the central Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and experts.The Mexican peso
in its 48-hour interbank value oscillated during the session between 16.8990 and 16.8170 pesos against the U.S
currency, according to Banxico.In a separate report, Grupo Financiero Monex highlighted that the Mexican currency has accumulated an
appreciation of 13.4 percent so far in 2023.This places the Mexican peso as the second currency with the greatest gains against the dollar,
only behind the Colombian peso, Monex indicated.Mexican peso closes at 16.89 pesos per dollar, its best level since 2015
boosted the idea that the Federal Reserve (Fed) may be close to concluding its interest rate hike cycle and this weakened the U.S
of rebound of around 4 percent.If this same performance continues, the exchange rate could reach a low of 16.74 pesos per dollar this summer
(boreal), he said.The Mexican currency, one of the most liquid among emerging markets, began 2023 trading at 19.48 pesos per dollar,