WHO says 47 died from Crimean-Congo fever in Afghanistan in past six months

A total of 47 people have died of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in Afghanistan since the beginning of 2023, the World Health
Organization (WHO) reported on Thursday.WHO in a report said that the total number of CCHF cases in Afghanistan during the period was 494 in
32 provinces.Out of total cases (494), 493 (99.8%) were above 5 years of age and 141 (28.5%) were females.The CCHF associated deaths were
reported from 16 provinces (Kabul (19), Balkh (6), Takhar (5), Parwan (3), Jawzjan (2), Kandahar (2), and 1 from each of the following
provinces: Badakhshan, Baghlan, Faryab, Ghazni, Kapisa, Khost, Kunduz, Paktya, Sar-e-pul and Wardak provinces.CCHF is carried by domestic
animals and can be transmitted by ticks
It is found in Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia
Symptoms include headaches, back pains, vomiting, severe bruising and nose bleeds.CCHF first appeared in Crimea in 1944 and was later
identified in 1956 as the cause of an illness in what is now Democratic Republic of Congo.The post WHO says 47 died from Crimean-Congo fever
in Afghanistan in past six months first appeared on Ariana News.