MP man wins spouse back with half kilo tomatoes

BHOPAL: A day after a woman walked out on her husband in MP's Shahdol district because he had added two extra tomatoes to a curry, the
couple reunited with police playing mediator.As atonement, Sanjeev Verma gifted his wife Aarti half a kilo of tomatoes at Dhanpuri police
station and vowed not to cook them without her permission.Police officials at Dhanpuri police station counseled the couple to stay together
and ignore each other's small mistakes (like being unable to resist tomatoes)
The husband vowed that never again would tomatoes do them part
The couple runs a dhaba, and Aarti was furious when she saw that he had used up two tomatoes in a curry on Thursday
She apparently said that they were too expensive to be "wasted" thus.It triggered a quarrel between the couple and she left home with their
daughter without telling him
Fight over extra tomatoey curry;Hubby says sorry, couple reunites It triggered a quarrel between the couple and she left home in a huff with
their daughter without telling him
When Sanjeev found them gone, he ran to the police, pleading with them to find her
The cops traced her at her sister's house within hours.It was after much persuasion that Aarti was pacified, say sources
Her husband apologized profusely.He even promised not to take any decision without consulting her, and sealed it with a gift of tomatoes