[India] - Sara Ali Khan: I constantly disregard comments on my individual life

Sara Ali Khan has inherited acting chops from a family of stalwarts and has carefully honed the skills in the past 8 years, by working with
celebrated filmmakers
She is a favourite of the paps and the trolls, but she is determined not to let them ruin her unabashed personality.Riding high on the
Grateful to the audiences and the media for their love, and grateful to the universe that people are still going and enjoying simple films
hence it felt like a debut
And when one has been kept away from the theatre experience, post the pandemic and when personally the stakes for me were so high, it was
And as an actor, every film, every experience should make you grow and inshallah I hope that process continues for me.Do you want to remain
and the script are of utmost importance
Life is too short and we have way too much to be grateful for
So sometimes the public persona does help
On low days especially, because you have to get up, smile and do your work
And I find healing too in that.Social media adulation and hate can be overwhelming
So any inputs regarding my work I listen to, but comments made on my personal life and beliefs are always ignored by me.Do you strategize
your choice of scripts depending on the fate of your last release?My films choose me
I think the directors I have worked with prove that
I just want to be part of stories that I feel deserve to be told.You are quite outspoken, is it good or bad for an actor?Honestly, I don't
know whether it's good or bad
A lot of people have told me that I should have a filter
But there are some things that you can't help, you know
I work so hard and so sincerely on all my characters that when I get to be Sara, I just want to be unabashed, unfiltered Sara
It's better if I keep the filtering and nuances for the characters.What kind of discussions do you have with your father about movies? What
advice does he give you?I discuss movies with my mother and father
The advice that both of them give me is that ultimately your heart has to connect to the character and the script
That's a very personal selection process
So, they both always encourage me to develop my own instinct about what films I want to be a part of and which I don't.In the earlier days
there were a lot of stories about catfights between actresses, which isn't the case with the present generation
Case in point being your friendship with Janhvi Kapoor, but is this a general norm in the industry now?I don't know if it's truly general or
I know that if you're secure in your own skin you can be friends with everyone
And in this industry, there's a place for everybody
So, I think you should just do your work and keep your head down
And that's what I do.What is that one advice from your family that you keep in mind when you step out to do a filmWhen I step out to do a
movie, I treat every chance like my last chance and give every film my hundred percent.We have seen you in a commercial with Amrita Singh
and now with Sharmila Tagore too
Will we get to see you with them in a movie too?God willing, whenever the chance presents itself! I am a huge fan of them both and would
special for me
Like I said, I believe in telling stories that I believe are worth telling and listening to
Usha Mehta is an anonymous warrior who did so much for the Indian freedom struggle
Her story is one of bravery, strength and sacrifice, yet very few know her name