[India] - 'US, India require to work together to shape AI course'WASHINGTON: The United States and similar countries consisting of India need to collaborate to shape the course of artificial intelligence and ensure that it is used properly, Dr Arati Prabh

WASHINGTON: The US and like-minded countries including India need to work together to shape the course of artificial intelligence and make
sure that it is used responsibly, Dr Arati Prabhakar, the Science Advisor to President Joe Biden, has said.Her remarks on Friday came as the
Biden administration roped in several IT giants like Google and Microsoft to manage the risks of the new AI tools even as they compete over
there's some important progress on that today," Indian-American engineer Prabhakar told PTI in an interview."We're also working on executive
actions that we can take within existing law, and the President is considering an executive order that we think can really boost our ability
bipartisan legislation as they start putting it forward."Then critically and underpinning all of this is the work that we're doing globally
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Science Advisor to the President since October 3, 2022, said artificial
intelligence is a global technology."It's everywhere
Everyone is participating and it's really affecting, it's going to affect everyone's lives and we want to make sure that like-minded
leaders when they meet with President Biden
That's what happened with Prime Minister Modi and many others," she said.Prabhakar said she had the opportunity to be at Congress when Prime
Minister Modi spoke and then at the State Dinner and then again at the luncheon that the Vice President and the Secretary of State
hosted."Artificial intelligence came up repeatedly in those conversations
In fact, the prime minister made a wonderful joke when he addressed Congress and he said he thought AI stood for America, India, which is
another way of interpreting it," Prabhakar said."But I think really the theme of many of the conversations that have happened is exactly
what you're saying is we're going to have to link arms and be clear about how to achieve safe AI so all of our citizens can benefit from
is part of how we're going to go forward and make sure while you're doing it, to build AI that is safe and trustworthy so that it really
leading AI companies.These companies include Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, and some of the smaller AI companies
A number of tech companies, some of the biggest leaders in AI, are signing up for some commitments on safety, security and trust.Biden in
executives from the companies
achieve by holding these companies to account because it's the first time that the industry has started to come together and take
manage as AI makes voice cloning, makes fraud easier
As cybercrime becomes easier, some of these harms start advancing
purposes? How do we use it to deal with the climate crisis that we're confronting? How do we use it to improve health outcomes for everyone
said.Describing AI as the most powerful technology of this time, she said the president has been clear that how it is used is going to
"express their values"
I think we can disagree about lots of things in this country and around the world, but the one thing I think we would all of us would agree
why I think it is so important for like-minded countries, for democratic countries to come together and make sure that we're working
to get her electrical engineering degree from Texas Tech University.She was the first woman to earn a PhD in applied physics from the
California Institute of Technology, where she also earned an MS in electrical engineering
She started her career in the legislative branch as a Congressional Fellow at the Office of Technology Assessment.Prabhakar also served as
director of The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2012 to 2017.Prabhakar was unanimously confirmed by the US Senate to
lead the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), taking the helm at age 34 as the first woman to lead the agency.