[Brazil] - Viewpoint: judicial reform in Israel wants to limit the power of Judges to 'save democracy'

power structures of two vastly different countries like Brazil and Israel provide an unnerving snapshot of global ambiguity.While Brazilian
pretexts.This paradoxical situation exposes a chilling truth: Preserving democracy has become a veil for the blatant subversion of
democratic norms and institutions.The power dynamics between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government are fundamental
to a healthy democracy.The power of democracy lies in its ability to provide checks and balances, not in its concentration within a single
branch of government
(Photo Internet reproduction)When that equilibrium is disturbed, democracy itself is at risk.This point certainly applies to the
his denial of using the reform to nullify his corruption trials ring hollow against the backdrop of his recent health issues and political
cross-section of Israeli society, transcending political and social divisions.They recognize the gravity of the situation and are willing to
put their differences aside in defense of their democracy.While Netanyahu is grappling with protests at home, international reactions have
healthy skepticism and robust resistance.The power of democracy lies in its ability to provide checks and balances, not in its concentration