'Absolutely Inadequate': Russian Activists Pressure Authorities on Loosened Air Quality Rules

Activists from several Russian regions have called on the government to explain its move to raise limits for the concentrations of harmful
pollutants in the air.A number of Russian cities have long been plagued with air pollution problems, particularly industrial cities such as
Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk
pollutant can be in the environment with no negative consequences for the human body, even with prolonged exposure.But a regulatory change
nitrogen dioxide, vinyl chloride and PM2.5 for no apparent reason.In their joint appeal last month, which was first reported by the
environmental news website Kedr.media, the activists asked Russian regulators to explain why concentrations of these substances which were
considered dangerous before Jan
addressed to the Chief Health Officer, the Health and Natural Resources Ministries, the Rosprirodnadzor environmental watchdog and
create health risks for thousands of people
Chelyabinsk, Tolyatti, Omsk, Moscow and the republic of Bashkortostan.Veteran environmental expert Ivan Blokov, who was not involved in the
of coal burning
In Chelyabinsk, there is an issue with unfavorable meteorological conditions, when air stagnates, but plants and cars spew out [pollutants]
air pollution on human health have been widely documented
The UN Environment Program estimates that air pollution is responsible for 7 million premature deaths globally every year.Blokov said
Meanwhile, PM2.5 is recognized as one of the most dangerous substances in the world.In their letter, the activists pointed to documents
joint letter, local air quality advocates said that the recent allowable levels of nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5 endorsed by the World Health
Organization (WHO) were not taken as a basis for air quality standards in Russia, despite Rosprirodnadzor predicting excess mortality from
recommendations.During the Soviet era, Blokov said, authorities were required to effectively defend a dissertation before they could change
the WHO study, they also ordered their own economic study on how much it would cost for various industries, and what would be the benefits
for health care if people get sick less and work more
been established
said.Activists also cited government data showing that almost 80 million people nationwide are negatively affected by environmental
pollution, including air pollution.Blokov stressed that he can only speculate on the potential reasons why the government is changing the
not even the presidential human rights council succeeded in obtaining an official justification.Therefore, Blokov said he can only wish