Parents brand 12-yr-old with hot iron rod for avoiding school

ANGUL: Chhendipada police arrested a couple - Subash Chandra and Manjulata Pradhan - on Sunday for allegedly branding their 12-year-old son
with a hot iron rod for not going to school
The child, who has injury marks on his body, was sent to a children's short-stay home.The incident was reported from Hatianali village under
Balipata panchayat
According to Rajesh Satpathy, an officer at Chhendipada police station, Subash married Manjulata after his first wife left him
He has a son with his first wife
Apparently, his stepmother told him not to go to school and he had been staying home for the last four days
On Wednesday, Subash found him at home and asked why he was not in school
Manjulata apparently told Subash that the child had not been going to school for the last four days
This angered Subash, who beat up the child and then branded him with a hot iron rod at four places.The child was saved by his grandmother
who also lodged a complaint with the police
On Saturday, district childline officials took the child away and produced him before at child welfare commission which sent him to the
shelter home.