Allowances for kidney clients, disabled and elderly persons available from Friday

The Treasury has transferred Rs
2,684 million to all District Secretaries for the month of July for payments of allowances for kidney patients, disabled persons and
low-income elderly citizens, Finance State Minister Shehan Semasinghe says.Thereby, the allowance for elderly citizens can be collected from
post offices, and the allowances for disabled persons and kidney patients from Divisional Secretariats from Friday (Aug
25) onwards.Last week, the state minister said, until a new scheme is prepared, provisions were set aside to pay allowances to kidney
patients, disabled persons and elderly citizens unchanged for a total of 647,683 people.According to him, 517,962 elderly citizens, 88,602
disabled persons and 41,119 kidney patients, including those wait-listed in the Aswesuma welfare benefits program, are given the allowances.