Govt cites Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s opposition to buttress Article 370 stand

NEW DELHI: BJP has always maintained that J-K would not have got the special status that it enjoyed under Article 370 if Sardar Vallabhbhai
had his way
Kashmir.Presenting a chronology of events prior to the October 1947 Pakistan-engineered armed aggression against Jammu and Kashmir despite a
Standstill Agreement between the two, Mehta told CJI D Y Chandrachud-led 5-judge Constitution bench that on July 3, 1947, Patel had written
to Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh stating that Kashmir must join the Indian Union without delay because of historical and traditional links with
Kashmir after Indian troops entered to save the state from external aggression
After Kashmir signed the Instrument of Accession, Jinnah invited Jawaharlal Nehru to Lahore to discuss the Kashmir issue.The SG said,
Nehru was inclined to agree with Mountbatten
However, Sardar Patel strongly opposed it on the ground that Pakistan was the aggressor in this case and India ought not to follow the
policy of appeasing the aggressor
Because of the difference of opinion, the matter was taken to Mahatma Gandhi, who discussed it with Nehru, Patel and V P Menon
During the discussion, it was (a diplomatic solution) found that Nehru was running high fever and his going to Lahore was out of question
who was negotiating with Sheikh Abdullah) enlarged the scope of Article 370 to give special status to J-K which Congress had opposed.Quoting
changes over the original draft particularly in regard to the applicability of fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy
not at all like any change after our party has approved of the whole arrangement in the presence of Sheikh Sahib himself
Whenever Sheikh Sahib wishes to back out, he always confronts us with his duty to the people
Of course, he owes no duty to India or to the Indian Government, or even on a personal basis, to you and the Prime Minister (Nehru) who have
annoyed Patel explained to Shankar that Ayyangar had acted under advice of Nehru who happened to be in the US that time
But how could I do so with Gopalaswami who was only acting under orders? If I did, people would have said that I was taking revenge on his
The future would depend on the strength and guts of the Indian government and if we cannot have confidence in our own strength, we do not