Transgender mom helps two girls chart a path

PATNA: From garbage heaps to a reputed private school in the city - two unwanted newborn girls made their life-changing journey holding the
hands of this transgender community member whose goal now is to bring them up with self-respect.She had rescued them from heaps of garbage,
where she found them abandoned, at different places in different years before adopting them legally
Since then she has been bringing them up and providing them with home tutions before sending them to the mainstream education system this
year.The private CBSE school, Gyan Niketan Girls School, was up for a first-of-its kind experiece since its establishment, during this
year's admission season a few months back when the member of the transgender community came to the institution with her two adopted
daughers.The girls, admitted to Class II and III, are under the special supervision of the school
Disclosing this on Wednesday, the school authority said it was the first case of admission of two children adopted and being parented by a
single transgender mother, at the institution
School director Shambhavi Chaudhary said the single transgender mother was so enthusiastic to see her daughters proudly walking in school
uniforms, mixing with classmates and joining games in leisure hours that she even declined to accept the scholarship offered by the
institution.She told the school management that she will toil hard and meet all the expenses to see her daughters growing up with
self-respect, said Chaudhary, however, declining to disclose the identity of both the savior mother and her daughters
examples in the society
The transgender who rescued both the girls from different places in different years, adopted them legally and arranged preschool tuition
classes till the time they got formal admissions