[Russia] - Having Fled War, Russian Emigres in Israel Find Themselves Drafted to IDF

Alice, a 17-year-old photographer, fled Russia for Israel shortly after the start of the war in Ukraine
Israeli teenagers, men and women, are expected to serve in the ranks of the IDF, a requirement that applies to new Russian migrants under
the age of 22 who obtain citizenship
Israel's conscription policy prior to her arrival there, Alice, who had Russian police knocking on her door, was more focused on getting out
of Russia as soon as possible.According to New Profile, an Israeli movement that opposes militarism and advises conscientious objectors,
several ways to dodge the draft in Israel, including marriage, medical reasons, or conscientious objection
However, for new emigres like Alice, who do not speak Hebrew and lack connections in the army that can help them navigate the Israeli
bureaucracy, the chances of being recognized as a pacifist and declared a conscientious objector are minimal
weddings, Alice and Matvey, as secular Israelis, had to travel abroad for a civil marriage
Their union's official recognition is still pending
security role, the IDF is perceived in Israeli society as a social glue, a cornerstone of national identity, and, for many, a necessary
requirement for a successful professional career
I still try to limit as much as possible participation in all sorts of illegal actions that exist in the Israeli army
service is key to his integration into Israeli society.Refusal to serve in the IDF remains largely taboo in Israel, and the hurdles faced by
activist from New Profile
sought advice on how to dodge the Israeli draft, drawing hundreds of angry comments
for Russian citizens and Russians with Jewish heritage are entitled to citizenship, the country has been a popular destination for Russians
more than 43,000 immigrants arrived in Israel from Russia in 2022
lasts two years and eight months for men and two years for women
Only ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arab citizens of Israel are exempt from compulsory military service.Some new migrants said they feel more
migrants have limited prospects for the most prestigious roles in the army, such as in intelligence, compared to native-born Israelis, some
of the current Israeli government, the most right-wing in the country's history, only make the decision to serve harder
Its policies include the persistent expansion of settlements in the West Bank and harsh tactics against Palestinian civilians living in the
occupied territories