President vows to safeguard country s education policies from political influence

unified under a single legal framework.Speaking at the 150th anniversary celebration of Eppawala Siddhartha Central College on Thursday
07), the Head of State emphasized the need for a new education system to drive rapid development as Sri Lanka rebuilds following an economic
advancements of the next two to three decades.Wickremesinghe highlighted the importance of integrating emerging technologies and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) into the education curriculum, recognizing their pivotal role in preparing students for the future workforce.Additionally,
the President recalled the introduction of an Associate Degree system in 1989, intended to align education with employment opportunities
Despite facing challenges during its initial implementation, President Wickremesinghe expressed his intention to reintroduce this system,
aiming to create a more job-oriented education landscape in Sri Lanka.Wickremesinghe expressed a visionary aspiration for Sri Lanka,
envisioning it as a global university hub, open to students from all corners of the world and stressed the importance of preventing
education policy from being influenced by politics and individual ministerial needs.