[Iran] - Houshang Moradi Kermani: a champ of children's literature

Over the years, he has garnered extensive recognition for his outstanding contribution to Iranian literature, particularly children's
He has been instrumental in shaping the reading habits of countless Iranian youths, and his legacy will continue to inspire and educate
future generations on Iranian culture and beyond.Moradi Kermani was born in 1944 in Sirch, a small village close to the southern Iranian
city of Kerman
After completing his primary and middle school education in his village and Kerman, he pursued his love for the arts by enrolling in
In 1961, he baegan his career in the arts by working in radio stations across Kerman and Tehran.During the early 1970s, he commenced his
writing career
One of his most acclaimed literary pieces, "The Tales of Majid," was originally a collection of short stories
Before its publication, it first existed as a radio program script which he had created years earlier
The book gained immense popularity, leading to its translation into several languages and being adapted into a widely popular television
series in Iran.Throughout his career, Moradi Kermani has written several children's books, many of which have won international awards and
have been translated into multiple languages
His literary works encompass a wide range of subjects that delve into various themes, including social justice, environmentalism, cultural
customs, and historical events.So far, Moradi Kermani's literary works have been translated into an array of languages, including French,
German, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Greek, and Turkish.Moradi Kermani's writing style is notable for its
straightforwardness and uncomplicated approach
He uses everyday language and accessible narrative techniques to convey complex ideas to his young readers
His books are not only entertaining but also educational, teaching important life lessons and values such as respect, empathy, compassion
and kindness.His work is a literary treasure that transcends time and borders
The magic of his captivating narratives not only captures the imagination of the youthful and mature readers alike but unearths the depths
of emotion and sentimentality
The deep empathy and sagacity embedded in his tales serve as a reminder of the timeless influence of storytelling in driving inspiration,
encouraging personal growth and forging connections
In the pages of his books, readers embark on journeys of self-discovery, courage, and hope.Moradi Kermani has an extraordinary ability to
capture the very spirit of childhood and the complexities of growing up
His words embody a language that is universal in emotions
Consequently, his stories strike a chord with readers from diverse cultural and social backgrounds.Moradi Kermani's stories are not mere
words on paper; they are vessels carrying profound messages of empathy, compassion, and the importance of preserving the wonder of youth and
the beauty of childhood.His work is a reminder that literature has the power to touch our souls, impart wisdom, and ignite the imagination
Through his books, Houshang Moradi Kermani has woven a tapestry of human experience, inviting us to reflect on our own lives, the beauty of
our shared humanity, and the enduring magic of storytelling