'Did you enjoy' Nurse mocks child sexual assault survivor

CHENNAI: A Class XII girl, who suffered continuous aggravated sexual abuse by her own father since she was seven years old, had to endure
humiliation at the hands of a nurse, to whom she had been sent for medical examination.Nurse Koteeshwari, working with the Institute of
Social Obstetrics and Kasturba Gandhi Hospital for Women and Children in Egmore, asked the survivor, "did you enjoy the moment?" She also
taunted the girl for levelling sexual abuse allegations against her own father.Now the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has initiated
proceedings against the nurse for abusing the Pocso survivor during medical examination
The issue came to light after a court-appointed volunteer, Kanya Devi, lodged a formal complaint against the nurse with the SHRC.The
student, living with her parents and a brother in Kodambakkam, was being exploited sexually by her father since she was seven years old
Though her mother was aware of it she didn't take the issue seriously
In 2022, the mother died of cancer, leaving the child more vulnerable than ever
When she informed her plight to her brother, a college student now, he sent her to live with their grandparents in Vellore
He supported her and, on her behalf, complained to T Nagar all-women police station on August 15
Subsequently, their father was arrested and sent to jail under the Pocso Act.However, the minor did not cooperate with investigation
officers, as she was reluctant to reveal details and sequence of incidents
At one stage, the traumatised girl informed the judge that she didn't want to pursue her case as everyone was accusing her
This prompted the special court for Pocso Act cases to appoint Kanya Devi, co-director of a service organisation, AIMS, as a supporting
person to the girl.In the meanwhile, the survivor was sent to the government medical facility in Egmore for medical examination
It was there the nurse asked inappropriate questions and even taunted her.In her complaint to the SHRC, Kanya Devi demanded legal action
against nurse Kotteeshwari and also sought a compensation of 10 lakh for the survivor
The SHRC took up the case on file on Friday.(The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme Court
directives on cases related to sexual assault)