Russia and Allies Warn UN That SDGs in Jeopardy Without Sanctions Relief

Russia has threatened to block the adoption of a new political declaration at the UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit in New York,
arguing that sanctions undermine its own progress toward achieving them, the Coalition for Sustainable Development of Russia (CSDR) said
one for our peoples
Times.The move comes as independent experts say Russia is failing to meet its SDGs
Despite having made some progress toward these goals by 2022, the war on Ukraine brought many initiatives in Russia to a halt.Specifically,
CSDR pointed to the suspension of international cooperation in pharmacology, clinical research and drug development, which it said poses a
international companies following the invasion of Ukraine
Progress toward SDG 13 (Climate Action) is further hindered by Russia's lack of reporting of greenhouse gas emissions that result from its
military actions in Ukraine.The exodus of Western renewable energy companies has also put SDG 7 (ensuring access to affordable and clean
energy) in jeopardy
Russia's progress toward achieving the SDGs.However, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk said during his speech at the summit that
Russia has achieved more than half of the global SDG indicators in recent years.Overchuk attributed the global slowdown and regression in
SDG implementation to macroeconomic policy miscalculations by the U.S
and EU, which led to increased inflation
He also criticized an "unbalanced" energy-climate policy promoting forced economic "greening.""The negative impact on the global economy
the collective appeal from Russia and its allies, the new declaration was adopted at the opening of the SDG Summit on Monday
Nevertheless, experts believe that countries advocating for the lifting of sanctions may still oppose the agreed-upon document in the
political and thought leaders from around the globe to review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.Russia,
along with other 192 countries, in 2015 signed and adopted the 2030 Agenda, which focuses on 17 Sustainable Development Goals in areas
including eradicating poverty, ensuring people live healthy lives, reducing inequality and mitigating climate change.