[Russia] - 'Increased' Threat From Russia Against Critical Infrastructure &-- Finland

The threat of Russian operations against Finland's critical infrastructure "has increased" since the country joined NATO, the Finnish
intelligence service said Thursday as Helsinki investigates potential sabotage of its natural gas pipeline."The threat of espionage and
Service (Supo), told reporters at a press conference.Relations with Moscow have "significantly deteriorated" following Finland's accession
to NATO in April, and Russia is "prepared to take measures against Finland," Supo said in its annual security review.The Nordic country is
currently investigating a leak that led to the shutdown of the Balticconnector natural gas pipeline from Estonia to Finland on Sunday, with
officials saying it was most likely caused by "external" action.When asked about potential Russian involvement, Pelttari refused to
speculate but said "involvement of a state actor cannot be excluded."The Finnish government has cautioned against drawing conclusions before
all information about the incident has been gathered.News of the pipeline's breach has raised questions, as it comes a year after blasts
breached the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which carry natural gas from Russia to Western Europe.Despite the Balticconnector shutdown,
operator Gasgrid said Finland's gas system was stable, with the supply of gas secured through liquefied natural gas imports.Gasgrid said on
Wednesday it would take at least five months to repair the pipeline.Finnish intelligence services said operations to cripple the country's
infrastructure remained "unlikely in the immediate future" and that any potential Russian operations would be mainly aimed at
deterrence."The energy sector is one example of an effective target in this respect," said Suvi Alvari, an analyst from Suno.Finnish
authorities have urged organizations and companies responsible for critical infrastructure to raise their level of preparedness.NATO chief
Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday pledged a strong response from the military alliance if information regarding damage to the Balticconnector
pipeline reveals that it was a "deliberate attack."Both Finland and Estonia are NATO members.