[Russia] - Anti-Drone Protection, Internet Disruptions in Bishkek as Putin Seeks to Restore Influence Among Allies

failures in Nagorno-Karabakh and 20-month war in Ukraine make allies increasingly uneasy, experts told The Moscow Times.With the two-day
small and continues to shrink
Kyrgyzstan is one of the few
more than a month, with anti-terrorist security a key focus, a Russian government source said
special services have been discussing [everything] with the Kyrgyz, all the way down to protection against drones and restrictions on mobile
We bear in mind the desperation and treachery of the Ukrainians and the fact that they are being aided by the West," the source told The
Moscow Times.As Putin arrived in Bishkek early Thursday, the cellular network in the Kyrgyz capital cut out and widespread internet outages
were reported
According to local media, the reason was Putin's arrival
One mobile operator said the outages were the result of a damaged cable.Soon after Putin's plane landed in Kyrgyzstan, his limousine, in a
20-car motorcade escorted by police vehicles with flashing lights, drove through deserted streets to the Kyrgyz president's residence.Kyrgyz
police asked Bishkek residents not to drive their personal vehicles in the city or in the direction of the Kyrgyz president's residence
during Putin's visit, while electric scooters were removed from the city streets.Kindergartens, schools and universities asked their
was impacted, with its medical facility closed on Thursday and Friday, a local online publication reported, citing patients.More than 4,500
Bishkek police officers were tasked with maintaining public order and security, according to local media.Putin on Thursday met with Kyrgyz
President Sadyr Japarov, presented him with the Russian Order of Honor and congratulated Russian servicemen at the airbase in the city of
Kant on the 20th anniversary of its opening
Kolesnikov reported.The presidents also announced the creation of a joint regional air defense system between Russia and Kyrgyzstan."The
agreement was set for 2022, but the Kyrgyz parliament announced ratification in time for Putin's arrival, which was intended as a symbolic
summit of the Moscow-led Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), an alliance of former Soviet states, opened at the Ala Archa State
Nagorno-Karabakh and its 20-month full-scale war on Ukraine which most allies have refrained from backing.Notably absent from the summit
crisis."Relations with Armenia are complicated
tank, told The Moscow Times
launching a mass exodus of its population of some 120,000 ethnic Armenians who feared extermination at the hands of Baku
airbase in Kyrgyzstan.Pavel Bednyakov, RIA Novosti / kremlin.ru"Armenia has joined the ranks of those countries that used to be Russia's
is not ready to cut ties completely."Friends are never tossed around
with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Thursday evening.Russia insists that the agreement to station its peacekeepers in
visit."Russia would very much like to keep its military presence there and will insist on the need to ensure the safety of Armenians if they
sacrifice their interests to those of Russia