Argentine Gov Targets Black Market as ‘Blue Dollar’ Surges

The Argentine government is making strong moves to curb illegal dollar trading, especially as elections approach.Law enforcement agencies
Minister of Economy, points the finger at these illegal traders for causing disruptive currency fluctuations.Massa is not just a minister;
he is also running for president.To combat this issue, various government agencies, including the police, tax authorities, and customs
(Photo Internet reproduction)Another presidential candidate, Javier Milei, is also in the spotlight
He has discouraged people from saving money in the Argentine peso, calling it worthless.Authorities took this seriously and have filed a
criminal complaint against him for inciting economic instability.Experts attribute the existence and growth of these illegal trading venues
to two main factors.The first factor is that a portion of the money involved in these transactions comes from illicit activities, such as
drug trafficking or smuggling.The second factor is non-compliance with currency declaration by certain business sectors, particularly those
experts believe that the government is keen on preventing what could become a larger economic crisis.The black-market trading of dollars
and deter illegal activities before they escalate further.