Shared mechanism needed to transfer Afghans’ investments from Pakistan amid deportation: Traders

Following the expulsion of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, a number of Afghan traders say they are concerned about Afghans& investments in
Islamabad and that a joint mechanism should be established for the transfer of investments from that country to Afghanistan.They said that
the investments and properties of Afghans in Pakistan reach billions of dollars.Afghan investors and traders have asked the Islamic Emirate
to hold talks with Pakistan as soon as possible in order to prepare the ground for the transfer of these funds to Afghanistan.&The leaders
of the two countries should sit down with the relevant officials and build a joint mechanism so that the funds are transferred to
Afghanistan,& said an Afghan trader based in Pakistan.&I can clearly tell you that the funds are billions of dollars, and Afghans have
invested a lot in every sector,& said another trader.Meanwhile, some other investors have said that the problem of Afghan traders should be
addressed in Pakistan because according to them, every day Pakistan creates new problems for Afghan businessmen.&Pakistan has started a lot
of oppression, in terms of humanity, in terms of neighborliness, in terms of business, which is not acceptable to anyone,& said an Afghan
investor, adding that &there is a need for investors and businessmen who are in Pakistan or in other countries, their investments should be
transferred to Afghanistan so that they are safe.&The Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) also said Afghan businessmen have thousands
of companies and factories in Pakistan and they should not fall into the hands of the Pakistani government.&A mechanism should be
established for our investments so that they may transfer to Afghanistan,& said Khanjan Alkozi, a member of ACCI.Deputy Minister of the
Economy Abdul Latif Nazari has also stated that talks are underway to draw support regarding the issue.&Both diplomatic talks are going on
and there are preparations by the Islamic Emirate in the form of various committees to help resettle and to attract support in the domestic
and foreign dimensions,& said Nazari.The post Shared mechanism needed to transfer Afghans& investments from Pakistan amid deportation:
Traders first appeared on Ariana News.