Israeli Troops Move Into Gaza City

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The Israeli attack on October 7 targeted this area.The assault aimed to stop Hamas after they invaded Israeli areas
That attack caused around 1,400 deaths.The Israeli army has advanced from the air and is now on the ground
The ground assault began over ten days ago.The army is using tanks and other vehicles
These are to help soldiers on the ground
Civilians have been told to leave the area.The United Nations reports a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza
There is a big need for food and medicine for two million people.Israeli Troops Move Into Gaza City
(Photo Internet reprodution)Israel has let some aid come in from Egypt
The Health Ministry in Gaza reports over 10,000 deaths.The United States and the European Union see Hamas as a terrorist group
Iran supports Hamas with training and money
Hamas keeps firing rockets into Israel.Israel plans to control key parts of Gaza City.This includes Al-Shifa Hospital
Itamar Yaar, a former security official, mentioned this
He said Hamas cannot stay in charge.U.S
Secretary of State Antony BlinkenThe Secretary talked about this in Tokyo at a G7 meeting
He says Israel will have a short-term security role in Gaza
He hopes for a peaceful Palestinian leadership soon.After the fighting stops, an international group might lead Gaza
This could include Arab nations
Yaar suggests this.Then, power would go to a Palestinian group
President Mahmoud Abbas says they will take responsibility during political talks.