[India] - Kohli ton formulate biryani storm in UP

district, where a stampede-like situation took place after an eatery owner announced to serve biryani at a discount equal to the runs made
of chicken and mutton biryani came for free, prompting the large number of people rushing in to avail the offer.With visuals of the offer
going viral on social media, the queue only swelled and people were seen jostling to get into the queue to grab hold of a plate of biryani
Before the restaurant owner exhausted his stuff, cops had to be called to control the crowd.The incident took place in Tikoni Bagh area of
Dehat police limits on Wednesday evening
Ultimately, the owner had to chain down his restaurant to avoid any kind of vandalism
SHO, Kotwali Dehat, Manoj Kumar Pandey, said that since a large crowd had gathered outside the eatery, a police team was sent to avoid any
kind of law and order situation.We also published the following articles recentlyBiryani among favourites at Singapore's Favourite Hawker
Food competitionBiryani and Rojak were among the winners of Singapore's Favourite Hawker Food competition, which promotes the use of piped
gas in cooking to reduce carbon footprint
Haji Haniffa M-Ansari Eating House and Fazil Muslim Food Stall were announced as the winners
The contest, organized by City Energy Pte Ltd, spans two and a half months and aligns with Singapore's commitment to sustainability
Each winner received SGD500 in cash, a medal, and a certificate
City Energy CEO Perry Ong emphasized the importance of piped gas in achieving sustainability and its role in promoting environmentally
friendly cooking solutions.Stampede-like situation at Karnataka's Hasanamba temple after people experience 'electric shock'A stampede-like
situation occurred at Hasanamba Temple in Karnataka's Hassan after a few people experienced electric shock when an electric wire broke
Some individuals were injured and sent to the hospital, but doctors have confirmed that they are out of danger
The incident caused panic among the crowd, but the situation has now been properly managed
Officials from KEB and HESCOM are present at the scene.How a dad did what police couldn't track owner of car that killed his sonAfter years
of struggling for justice, a father in India finally succeeded in reopening a hit-and-run case that resulted in the death of his son
The father, Jitender Chaudhary, took matters into his own hands after the police made no progress in identifying the driver responsible for
the accident
He collected evidence and eventually discovered the registration number of the car involved
However, even after providing this information to the police, the investigation did not move forward
It wasn't until Chaudhary took legal action and approached the court that the case was reopened
Bahraich, UP