[Russia] - Navalny Allies Accused of Using Bot Farm to Spread Anti-Govt Narrative, Deny Claims

employees to write negative comments about the Russian government on the social media platform VKontakte.The investigation claimed that
The bot farm was reportedly run by the Free Russia Foundation NGO's director Natalia Arno and her colleagues Yegor Kuroptev and Anton
Mikhalchuk, who work for the South Caucasus branch.SVTV cited an alleged former employee of the bot farm who claimed that it was possible to
Twitter).The Free Russia Foundation said that following the start of the war in Ukraine it created the Center for Strategic Communications
seven days a week with the sole purpose of helping to convey the truth about the crimes of the Kremlin and the consequences of the bloody
war unleashed against Ukraine to their fellow citizens in Russia," the Free Russia Foundation said on Telegram."We deny any cooperation with
the Anti-Corruption Foundation in the framework of counter-propaganda projects
We declare that the material published on the SVTV website is unreliable on a large number of points," it added.According to the SVTV
investigation, in addition to anti-Kremlin messages and "calls to overthrow the regime and go to protests in Russia", the bot farm was
allegedly used to criticize opposition and public figures, including media personality Ksenia Sobchak and politician Maxim Katz."FBK had and
has no relation to our work
in the South Caucasus.