How to utilize Google Photos to protect old photos

If you have a collection of old photos that are starting to fade or deteriorate, Google Photos can help you to preserve them for future
The service uses artificial intelligence to scan and digitize old photos, improving their quality and restoring their color and
vibrancy.Here are the steps on how to use Google Photos to preserve old photos:Upload your old photos to Google PhotosYou can upload your
old photos to Google Photos from your computer or mobile device.To upload photos from your computer, open Google Photos and click the Upload
To upload photos from your mobile device, open the Google Photos app and tap the + button.Once your photos are uploaded, Google Photos will
automatically scan and digitise themThis process may take some time, depending on the number of photos you have uploaded
You can check the progress of the scanning and digitisation process by clicking the Scanning tab in Google Photos.Once your photos have been
scanned and digitised, you can review them and make any necessary editsGoogle Photos will automatically adjust the brightness, contrast, and
colour of your photos
You can also manually edit your photos using the built-in editing tools.Once you are happy with your photos, you can save them to your
Google Photos libraryYour photos will now be backed up to the cloud, and you can access them from any device.Here are some additional tips
for storing your old photos - Store your old photos in a cool, dry, and dark place.- Handle your old photos carefully.- Scan your old photos
as soon as possible.By following these steps, you'll not only be preserving your old photos but also creating a dynamic and easily
accessible digital archive of your most cherished memories.