Biden's Bold Proposal: Uniting Gaza and West Bank

President Joe Biden proposes a radical Middle East peace plan, envisioning the unification of Gaza and the West Bank under a strong
Palestinian Authority.Amid Israel-Hamas conflicts, he suggests a single Palestinian entity
This approach aims for two peaceful states: Israel and Palestine.In The Washington Post, Biden outlines his thoughts
He emphasizes a united Gaza and West Bank, seeking a harmonious coexistence.Post an October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, U.S
support for Israel remains strong
The attack, causing significant civilian deaths and captures, intensifies U.S
concerns for Gaza.Continued Israeli actions escalate the death toll, particularly affecting children
Consequently, the U.S
foreign policy.It aligns with past international peace efforts but faces mutual distrust and internal political pressures.Success hinges on
Israeli-Palestinian cooperation and global support
agreement, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem.Biden also condemns West Bank violence, ready to sanction extremists attacking
His initiative, while challenging, is a critical step towards peace.