[Afghanistan] - OIC and Uzbekistan stress requirement for cooperation over humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Special envoys for Afghanistan of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and Uzbekistan met on Friday and stressed the need for
cooperation to alleviate the humanitarian and economic crisis in Afghanistan.The meeting between OIC&s Tariq Ali Bakheet and Uzbekistan&s
Ismatullah Ergashev took place in Uzbekistan&s capital Tashkent.During this meeting, the two parties discussed the efforts of the
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Republic of Uzbekistan to support the Afghan people, in light of resolutions issued by the
Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC in this regard, OIC said in a statement.&The two sides stressed the need for coordination, consultation
and cooperation to alleviate the humanitarian and economic crisis in Afghanistan and to pursue the constructive dialogue with the de facto
authorities on various issues stipulated in the Organisation&s resolutions on Afghanistan,& the statement added.The post OIC and Uzbekistan
stress need for cooperation over humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan first appeared on Ariana News.