Cyber scoundrels dupe unemployed lady of Rs 5 lakh

RAJKOT: A 27-year-old unemployed woman of Kutch district in Gujarat was cheated in the name of a part-time job in a travel company and ended
up losing over Rs 5 lakh to the cyber crooks during the last two months
Vaishali Garasia, a resident of Mundra, has filed a complaint with Bhuj B division police station against three user IDs of social media
platorm Telegram under the Information Technology Act and IPC sections 406 and 420
Garasia was unemployed and she was desperately searching for a job and for that she had joined several Telegram groups
A person, who identified herself as Sandhya Sharma, contacted Garasia and offered her a part-time job in a travel agency and she introduced
Kanchan Patel to her
The victim was taught to book online confirmed airline tickets
She was first asked to deposit Rs 10,000 in a bank account which she did and thereafter she booked an online ticket for a customer
She got a refund of Rs 10,000 and her commission of Rs 5,400
It happened two or three times and she started trusting the job as she was earning
She was asked to deposit more ticket booking amounts as she was asked to book the tickets of abroad destinations with the lure to earn more
In the last two months she ended up paying Rs 5.14 lakh and she was supposed to earn the commission of Rs 9 lakh
When the persons with whom she was in contact went incommunicado, she realised that she was cheated and approached the police.