U.S. Set to Rethink Venezuela Sanctions Relief

progress in releasing political detainees and Americans held captive.The decision follows a deadline set for Venezuelan President Nicolas
Maduro to fulfill specific obligations.John Kirby, a national security spokesperson for the White House, recognized some recent actions by
Venezuela.The country allowed opposition presidential candidates to appeal to its highest court
However, Kirby emphasized the need for more measures from the Venezuelan government.Consequently, the US is considering freezing some
Set to Rethink Venezuela Sanctions Relief
freeing wrongfully detained US citizens and Venezuelan political prisoners.The US remains engaged in diplomatic efforts, prepared to pause
hinted that actions could include reinstating sanctions on Minerven.Venezuela has yet to respondVenezuela has yet to respond to these
potential changes
process, opposition candidates, including notable figure Maria Corina Machado, must file their petitions from December 1 to 15.Despite
the freedom of at least three Americans deemed wrongfully detained in Venezuela, reflecting ongoing diplomatic complexities.