Russia Declares LGBT Movement Extremist, Imposes Ban

Russia also increased suppression of criticism, particularly against President Putin.Judge Oleg Nefedov labeled the LGBT movement extremist
The case was confidential.Russia Declares LGBT Movement Extremist, Imposes Ban
(Photo Internet reproduction)Piotr Tolstoi, Vice President of the Russian Duma, criticized the LGBT community via Telegram.The Russian
Orthodox Church, through spokesperson Vajtang Kishidze, supported the ban, seeing it as moral protection.Chechen government member Ahmed
Chechnya.The Russian Justice Ministry proposed labeling the movement as extremist in November.Now, any public LGBT activity risks being
Over the past decade, LGBT rights have been reduced under Putin and the Orthodox Church.Ian Dvorkin, founder of Centre T, an NGO supporting
transgender people, fled Russia
In 2022, this law expanded to prohibit LGBT propaganda entirely.In July, Russian legislators passed a law targeting transgender individuals
This law prohibits gender reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments.