Mexico Set for $106 Billion Foreign Investment Boost

Mexico is poised to attract $106.418 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) over the next two to three years.Based on international
Nearshoring involves relocating supply chains closer to their end markets.Manufacturing companies are the main contributors, making up 40%
of this investment.Additionally, 67% of the investment will expand existing foreign-owned businesses in Mexico
The Mexican Ministry of Economy shared these details.Raquel Buenrostro, head of the Ministry, stated that these investment plans show
Billion Foreign Investment Boost
recorded in 2022
That year saw the highest FDI in seven years.By the third quarter of 2023, Mexico had already received $32.926 billion in FDI
This amount was 2.4% higher than the same period in 2022.One-fourth of the future investments will come from firms not yet in Mexico
This investment news coincides with U.S
The U.S
companies are leading the way with $42.095 billion in investment commitments to Mexico.China, currently ranked 80th as an FDI source in
Mexico, has pledged $12.610 billion.