[Brazil] - Argentina Moves to Join OECD Under New Foreign Minister

Foreign Ministry
the OECD
The formal invitation to join came on January 25, 2022.Marcelo Scaglione, previously representing Argentina at the OECD, spoke about this
(Photo Internet reproduction)He mentioned in an interview that the signing process would take four to six years
Scaglione expressed his feelings on social media too.He reflected on the eight-year journey to reach this point
potential members
Others are Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Peru, and Romania.The organization began talks with Argentina on January 25, 2022
Discussions about future steps are still ongoing.This step by Argentina demonstrates its aim to strengthen international economic ties
It places the country on a path similar to other regional economies.Neighboring countries like Brazil and Peru are also potential OECD
This indicates a regional trend towards global economic integration.OECD membership offers several advantages
It can lead to better economic policies through shared expertise and data.Members benefit from peer reviews and policy advice
This can enhance economic stability and growth.For Argentina, joining the OECD could attract foreign investment
However, OECD standards require significant reforms and adherence to certain policies.Argentina may face challenges in aligning its domestic
policies with OECD norms
reflects a commitment to economic modernization.It aligns the country with other nations seeking economic stability and growth