IMF Supports Argentina's New Economic Measures

measures focus mainly on increasing the exchange rate, cutting state spending, and reducing subsidies
(Photo Internet reproduction)Their determined implementation will help stabilize the economy and lay the groundwork for more sustainable,
These aim to reduce the fiscal deficit.Essential actions: raise exchange rate to 800 pesos, halt public works, cut state management ads, end
energy subsidies, introduce import monitoring.Other announcements included not renewing contracts with less than one year of validity,
downsizing the state by reducing the number of ministries from 18 to 9, and minimizing national transfers to provinces.Commitment to
continue working with the Argentine ExecutiveThe IMF reaffirmed its commitment to continue working with the Argentine Executive within their
to continue discussions.These discussions are to steer the current program supported by the Fund, following recent setbacks in economic
policy.The measures include maintaining social programs to protect the most vulnerable in the face of high inflation.These programs include
historical situation, marked by high poverty and a fiscal deficit surpassing 5.5% of GDP.