[Brazil] - Viewpoint: Global Governance Over National Will-- A Troubling Trend

(Opinion) In recent times, a concerning trend has emerged in global politics: the shift towards global governance over the will of national
legislatures.This shift raises critical questions about the future of democracy and the power of elected representatives.When global
decisions override national laws, it weakens the voice of the people.It implies that global bodies can make decisions that impact every
issue.He expressed support for global governance in managing planetary issues, suggesting that national legislative approvals should not
hinder decisions beneficial to the world.While this sounds noble, it subtly undercuts the role of democratically elected bodies.This
approach creates a risky precedent
It suggests that the collective decision-making process, fundamental to democratic societies, could be bypassed for global agendas.This
global governance model, often led by large monopolies and international bodies, could potentially overshadow national interests and
priorities.Who holds global bodies accountable?Moreover, the shift towards global governance raises concerns about accountability.National
governments are accountable to their citizens, but who holds global bodies accountable?If their decisions bypass national legislatures,
where does the average citizen stand in voicing their concerns?In essence, the push for global governance over national legislative
processes is a slippery slope.It could lead to a scenario where the democratic voice of individual nations and their citizens is
marginalized in favor of a global agenda set by a few.This trend seriously threatens the very fabric of representative democracy, where the
cooperation is necessary for issues like climate change, it should not come at the cost of diminishing the role of national democratic
institutions.Balancing global needs with national sovereignty and democratic principles is crucial for a fair and equitable world order.