United States cautions North Korea against nuclear attacks

The United States has warned North Korea that any nuclear attack against the nation or its allies &is unacceptable and will result in the
end of the (Kim Jong) Un regime,& a joint US-South Korean statement said on Saturday.&The U.S
side reiterated that any nuclear attack by the DPRK against the ROK will be met with a swift, overwhelming, and decisive response,& the
statement said.The second U.S.-Republic of Korea Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) convened in Washington on Friday for talks on nuclear
deterrence as part of a commitment by the two countries to share more insight into planning in the event of conflict with North
Korea.Pyongyang has developed and tested a range of ballistic missiles that can reach targets in South Korea, Japan and the U.S
mainland.Kim Tae-hyo, South Korea&s deputy national security adviser said on Friday that North Korea may test-launch an intercontinental
ballistic missile this month, which was considered a nuclear threat regardless of its range because it can carry a nuclear warhead, Reuters
reported.The third NCG will be convened in Korea next summer.The post US warns North Korea against nuclear attacks first appeared on Ariana