[Brazil] - Latin America's 2024 Job Forecast

In 2024, companies around the globe anticipate a 42% increase in hiring, which is 4% less compared to the previous quarter.The ManpowerGroup
report shows diverse hiring trends
While 39% of businesses plan to maintain their current staff levels, 16% might reduce their workforce.Another 3% are unsure about their
hiring plans.India and the Netherlands are leading in job growth expectations with a 37% increase each.Following them are Costa Rica and the
USA at 35%, Mexico at 34%, and Belgium, China, Puerto Rico, and Switzerland at 33%.Brazil is close behind with a 32% increase
On the other hand, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Japan, the Czech Republic, and Argentina face lower job growth, with Argentina at just 2%.There
are notable improvements in Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Germany
Hungary leads with a 20% increase.In specific industries, the USA expects 74% growth in communication services
(Photo Internet reproduction)Puerto Rico anticipates a 64% rise in information technology and a 49% increase in industry and materials
Guatemala expects a 44% growth in consumer goods and services.Canada and France face an 8% drop in job growth
Argentina, Peru, Israel, and Panama also expect declines.In Latin America and the Caribbean, Costa Rica leads with a 35% increase in jobs
Mexico and Puerto Rico follow closely.Brazil and Guatemala each expect a 32% rise
Colombia, Panama, and Peru are also optimistic, though Argentina lags with only a 2% increase.According to the Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean, regional growth is slowing.They predict only a 1.4% increase in jobs by the end of 2023
This is lower than the 5.4% growth seen in 2022
They expect this slow growth to continue into 2024.The Global Net Employment Outlook stands at 26% for early 2024.Employers report stronger
hiring intentionsThis figure measures the difference between the number of employers who plan to hire more staff and those who plan to hire
less.In 27 countries, employers report stronger hiring intentions compared to last year
However, in 12 countries, these intentions are weaker, and in two, they remain unchanged.North America shows the strongest hiring intentions
at 34%
Asia Pacific, South and Central America, and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa follow.In the Americas, overall job prospects are positive
for early 2024
Yet, there is a decline in ten countries compared to the previous quarter and five compared to last year.The IT industry continues to lead
in job growth despite a 3% global decrease in hiring expectations.Following IT are finance and real estate, communication services,
healthcare, industry, energy, transportation, and consumer goods.The ManpowerGroup used digital methods to collect data in 41 markets for
their first quarter 2024 report.They gathered responses from October 2 to 31, 2023
The survey questions and participant profiles stayed the same
This standardization allows for fair international comparisons.