[Afghanistan] - Islamabad downplays Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman's invite to Kabul

Pakistan&s foreign ministry on Thursday downpla­yed Kabul&s invitation to Mau­lana Fazl-ur-Rehman, leader of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam
(JUI-F), characterizing the gesture as a personal visit.&That question may be best addressed to the Afghan authorities because we are not
aw­­are of any such initiative,& Pakistan&s foreign ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said at the weekly media briefing while
responding to a question about the invitation for the JUI-F chief.In response to another question, she said: &We do not comment on visits or
invitations for private individuals to foreign countries.&Earlier this week, Zabihul­lah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan (IEA), said it had formally extended an invitation to Fazl to visit Kabul
He said that Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman is a religious and political figure who can create mindset in both dimensions.Baloch clarified that
Islamabad&s position on the issue of talks with TTP, an option advocated by the IEA, was &very clear&.&There are no talks taking place, and
there are no talks on the agenda between the State of Pakistan and TTP
We are focusing on the demand that Afghan authorities must take action against TTP elements and rein them in so that the terror threat
against Pakistan from the Afghan soil is eliminated,& she said.She reiterated concerns about possession and use of modern sophisticated arms
and weapons by TTP and called for international cooperation for neutralising the threat.The spokesperson confirmed that Pakistan was in
talks with US for enhancement of Pakistan&s counter-terrorism capacity.Explaining Pakistan&s engagement with the US and other neighbours of
Afghanistan on counter-terrorism cooperation, Baloch said: &We have no designs to create difficulties for the people of Afghanistan
Our complete focus is to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan and to work with our Afghan brothers and sisters to ensure that terror
threat from Afghanistan does not target Pakistan.&This comes as IEA has rejected claims of Afghanistan soil being used in attacks against
Pakistan and has emphasized that Afghanistan is not responsible for the security failure of Pakistan.The post Islamabad downplays Mau­lana
Fazl-ur-Rehman&s invitation to Kabul first appeared on Ariana News.