[Afghanistan] - Muttaqi reports his journey to Tehran was 'effective'

After returning home from Iran, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs called on Maulavi Abdul Kabir, the third deputy prime minister for
political affairs of Afghanistan, and reported that his trip to Tehran was &full of achievements&.According to a newsletter issued by the
prime minister&s office, Amir Khan Muttaqi told Kabir that during his trip to Iran he met with a number of Iranian officials as well as
diplomats and Afghans living in Tehran and Mashhad.Muttaqi called Iran a &friend of Afghanistan& and said that he had a discussion with
Iranian officials regarding the political, economic and trade development between the two countries.According to the newsletter, Kabir said
in this meeting that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has good relations with all the countries in the region, especially Iran, and
he wants these relations to be expanded and strengthened in the future.During his trip to Iran, Muttaqi also participated in the
international meeting on Palestine and met with Iran&s Minister of Foreign Affairs; with Kazemi Qomi, the special representative of the
President for Afghanistan affairs; and the Governor of Khorasan province.During this trip, Muttaqi also visited the Afghan embassy in Tehran
and the consulate in the city of Mashhad and talked with diplomats and representatives of immigrants.The post Muttaqi reports his trip to
Tehran was ‘successful& first appeared on Ariana News.