[Afghanistan] - Review of financial projects in Afghanistan in 2023

In 2023, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) was able to complete some huge projects from domestic revenues with little resources.The
completion of the first part of the Qosh Tepa canal and the reconstruction of part of the Salang highway are among the most important
projects that were completed this year.Attracting investment of 6.5 billion dollars on seven large mines, expanding trade relations with
neighboring countries, maintaining the value of the Afghan currency against foreign currencies, preventing the smuggling of dollars out of
the country, and also preventing the exchange of foreign currencies in daily transactions are considered to be among the other achievements
of the IEA in 2023.The start of the reconstruction of the Kabul-Kandahar highway, the extraction of oil from the Qashqari wells in Sar-e-Pul
province, and the beginning of the extension of the 500 kV Jawzjan-Kabul line are also among the projects of 2023.In addition, Afghanistan&s
exports to other countries also increased
Based on the statistics of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, exports have reached one billion and 717 million
dollars.Afghanistan&s export goods have been exported to Iran, Pakistan, India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
China, Kazakhstan and America.In 2023, the value of the Afghan currency was not only maintained against foreign currencies, but the value of
the Afghan currency increased, the central bank stopped commercial transactions with foreign currencies and did not allow dollars to be
smuggled out of Afghanistan.This year, Afghanistan has had 21% of imports from Iran, 18% of imports from China, 18% of imports from
Pakistan, and 14% of imports from the United Arab Emirates.However, experts have said that Afghanistan needs more work and effort to get out
of the current situation into a better status.The post Review of economic projects in Afghanistan in 2023 first appeared on Ariana News.