[Sri Lanka] - Ministerial Sub-Committee on Cricket sends report to President

The Ministerial Sub-Committee for Cricket has handed over its report to President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the Presidential Secretariat, a
report and that both, the report and the new draft Sports Bill is slated be presented to the Parliament shortly.On 06 November 2023,
President Wickremesinghe appointed a four-member committee, chaired by Minister Ali Sabry, and comprising of Ministers Tiran Alles, Manusha
Nanayakkara and Kanchana Wijesekara, to look into matters concerning SLC, after then Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe had decided to
Imam and Rohini Marasinghe, retired High Court judge Irangani Perera, Upali Dharmasena, Attorney-at-Law Rakitha Rajapakshe and Hisham
granted to him by the Sports Law No
committee, its composition or the decision to suspend the previous board