[Afghanistan] - Hekmatyar: UN selecting new special envoy for Afghanistan will be a 'stopped working experience'Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of Hizb-e-Islami, has stated the visit of a new unique representative by the United Nations for Afghanistan wil

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of Hizb-e-Islami, has said the appointment of a new special representative by the United Nations for
Afghanistan will be a repeat of a failed experience, because past experiences show that the organization has neither a practical plan nor
the resources to solve the Afghanistan crisis.&The experiences of the past have repeatedly shown that the United Nations, with its existing
structure, has neither the ability nor the resources to solve the issue of Afghanistan and similar issues,& Hekmatyar said in a virtual
meeting with his party members.The leader of Hizb-e-Islami believes that the only solution to the Afghan crisis is the holding of a Loya
Jirga, the formation of an inclusive government, and intra-Afghan negotiations without the presence of foreigners.&Negotiate with a sense of
responsibility towards God and the people and without mediation and any open or non-open presence of foreigners,& he said.Experts also
believe that in the past, the work of UN representatives did not lead to permanent peace and stability in Afghanistan, but representatives
are needed to establish relations between Kabul and the international community.&The United Nations special representative cannot do
miracles, and it is true that the work of the United Nations special representatives in Afghanistan has not led to peace, but the resolution
has been approved by the Security Council, with abstentions from China and Russia
So now the representative is appointed and the way to interact and get the recognition of Afghanistan has been determined through this
representative,& Tariq Farhadi, an expert on political affairs, said.About two weeks ago, the United Nations Security Council passed a
resolution requesting the appointment of a special envoy for Afghanistan.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate expressed
its displeasure with the approval of this resolution.The ministry said that appointing another representative for Afghanistan in the
existence of the United Nations Special Mission (UNAMA) is considered unnecessary because Afghanistan is not a country at war and now there
is a central government ruling which has preserved the interests of the country.The post Hekmatyar: UN appointing new special envoy for
Afghanistan will be a ‘failed experience& first appeared on Ariana News.